Angelica Bañuelos: Thank you for coming to our class. We had fun playing
with you.
Dana Bondoc: 10 - 11, 10, 17, 8 - 21, 3, 8, 9 - 16, 5, 25 - 26, 10, 7, 10, 22 - 19, 8, 14, 6, 25, 7, 8 - 2, 16 - 1, 6, 26, 5, 12, 10, 22, 8 - 7, 25, 19, 15, 8, 14, 22 - 10, 7 - 2, 6, 22, 3.
Moises Diaz Jr.: I miss you so much that I can't wait for your next visit!
Jasmin Gonzalez: I like that you ate lunch with us.
Kevin Hill: The Wiz is funny and I wish I could be like him.
Caleb Ibarra: Thank you for the T-shirt.
Oscar Lopez: 2 - 2 - 14 - 10, 7 - 2, 6, 4, 9, 10, 1, 10, 14, 8, 9, 22!
Angel Moreno Jr.: I wish I could fly to your office and see you again.
Matthew Ojeda: Having you in the classroom brings fun and entertainment.
José Ramirez, Jr.: My favorite game is Ollie's Funny Bone.
Guillermo Ricaño: When I grow up I want to be just like you!
Claudia Torres: Thank you for the pencil sharpener.
Angie Vasquez: Thank you for the newsletters.
Axel Vega: I like the letter you wrote me.
Ms. Kimura's 3rd grade class
Amestoy Elementary School
Gardena, California
2005-2006 School Year
To find out what Ms. Kimura's class wrote in secret code in the letter to us, go to our Secret Code page