Edgar Enriquez: I wish you were here all the time!
Kayla Flynn: Thank you for coming. You are the best!
Crisely Gonzalez: Me gusta cuando me mandan cartas. No saben que
gusto me da cuando me dicen que mis cartas son importantes para
Charlie Gutierrez: My favorite game is Wiz Says because it is so fun!
Edgar Lopez: 22, 3, 6, 9, 17, 7 - 1, 5, 12 - 14, 5, 2, 10, 9, 4 - 6, 9, 18 -
22, 8, 6, 14, 3, 10, 9, 4 - 25, 7 - 2, 6, 22, 3!
Guadalupe Martinez: I love the letter you guys sent me.
Omar Martinez: I want you to come back to our class. I want to have
Maricruz Muñoz: Thank you for the button, pencil, and eraser.
Kevin Ng: I liked playing Twenty-One and Wiz Says.
Casandra Rojas: I really like the Muskrat Math Game with the
background music.
Diana Ruiz: I like the Diamond Game, when The Wiz guessed our
Andrea Salas: I love MMC and I like when we eat together.
Jasmin Villalta: I love your fun games and wish you were here!
Ms. Bergeron's 3rd grade class
Grand View Boulevard Elementary School
Los Angeles, California (2004/2005)
To find out what Ms. Bergeron's class wrote in secret code in the letter to us, go to our Secret Code page