Minnesota y Su Aventura en Las Pirámides
Ayudale a Minnesota descifrar los jeroglíficos misteriosos que han aparecido en estas pirámides.
Muskrat Math Game
Practice addition and subtraction with your friends while playing the Muskrat Math Game. The first player to reach the MMC Clubhouse by exact count wins!
Shape Addition and Subtraction
What is a star plus a diamond? Lupita and Eloise show you how to add and subtract different shapes.
Suma Y Resta Con Figuras
¿Cuánto es la suma de una estrella más un diamante? Lupita y Eloise te demostrarán cómo puedes sumar y restar usando figuras.
Divisiblity Rules Chart
Do you know the divisibility rules? Use Professor Panda's handy chart to become a master of divisibility!
El Rompecabezas de Figuras del Professor Panda
Usa tus habilidades de multiplicación y división para ayudarle a Professor Panda a llenar los números que faltan dentro de este rompecabezas de números.
Goldentail's Rounding Railroad
Use your multiplication, division, and rounding skills to learn some interesting facts about American railroad history!
Las Aventuras Mundiales de Minnesota Muskrat
A Minnesota Muskrat le encanta viajar por el mundo buscando aventuras nuevas. Usa tus habilidades de división para descubrir algunos lugares que ha visitado.
Minnesota Muskrat's Worldwide Adventures
Minnesota Muskrat travels the world having many adventures. Use your division skills to learn about some of the exciting places he has visited.
Professor Panda's Puzzle of Shapes
Use your multiplication and division skills to help Professor Panda fill in the missing numbers in his puzzle of shapes.
Professor Panda's Product Game
Watch out for Ollie's Cave as you practice your multiplication skills with Professor Panda's Product Game!
Código Secreto Destacado: Adivinanza #1
Detective Duck necesita tu ayuda para descifrar esta adivinanza, ¿Qué será, mientras más grande, menos se ve?
Código Secreto Destacado: Adivinanza #2
¿Por que crees que alguien compraría algo que no va usar? Resuelve este código y lo sabrás.
Código Secreto Destacado: Adivinanza #3
No es una catera, pero los hombres no deberían salir sin esto. Resuelve este código para saber lo que es.
Busqueda Para Dieciocho
Usa cualquier operación básica de la matemática (suma, resta, multiplicación y división) para obtener un total de dieciocho en cada serie de tres números.
Cross "Calcuword" Puzzles
Did you know that calculators can talk? If you push the right buttons, your calculator will tell you which words belong in each space of these four puzzles.
Cross Number Puzzle
Eloise and Lupita have a cross number puzzle for you.
Crucigrama "Calcu-Palabras"
¿Sabías que las calculadoras pueden hablar? Si oprimes los botones apropiados, tu calculadora te dirá cuales palabras debes de escribir en cada espacio de este crucigrama.
El Crucigrama Numérico de MMC
Eloise y Lupita tienen un crucigrama numérico que pondrá a prueba tus habilidades matemáticas.
El Laberinto Misterioso Matemático
Hollie es tu guía para poder atravesar este laberinto misterioso de matemáticas.
El Rompecabezas Numérico de MMC
Pon a prueba tu sabiduría matemática y resuelve estos problemas de suma, resta, multiplicación, y división.
Fifty Dollar Words Planets
Did you know that all nine planets in our solar system are fifty-dollar words?
Fifty Dollar Words
Do you know that some words are worth $50? Test your math skills on these $50 words!
Fifty Dollar Words from Ms. Ogle's Class
Ms. Ogle and Ms. Skubick's students have found some terrific new fifty-dollar words!
Fifty Dollar Words from Ms. Smiley's Class
Ms. Smiley's class discovers brand new fifty-dollar words!
Hidden Number Puzzle
Test your math skills by solving these addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems.
Search for Eighteen
Use any of the four basic math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to get a result of eighteen from each set of three numbers.
Secret Code Spotlight
Help Detective Duck find the answer to the question, "What is the Mike's Math Club motto?"
Flow Chart Secret Code 1
Can a sore help you learn? Complete this flow chart code to find out!
Flow Chart Secret Code 2
Everyone has heard of polar bears, but what about polar cows? What should you call a cow that lives in Alaska? Complete this flow chart code to find out!
Flow Chart Secret Code 3
Are you smart in math? Complete this flow chart code to find out!
Flow Chart Secret Code 4
Batteries lose their power over time, but what kind of energy never fades? Complete this flow chart code to find out!
Flow Chart Secret Code 5
Complete this flow chart code to find out what life lesson flow charts can teach you!
Flow Chart Secret Code 6
This flow chart code will reveal something about you that you may not have known. Good luck!
Flow Chart Secret Code 7
Complete this flow chart code to learn an interesting fact about the Red Sea!
Flow Chart Secret Code 8
Are you confident in your math skills? Complete this flow chart code to find out how good your math work really is!
Flow Chart Secret Code 9
What should you do if your dog swallows your pencil? Complete this flow chart code to find out!
Flow Chart Secret Code 10
What has no beginning, middle or end? Complete this flow chart code to find out!
Flow Chart Secret Code 11
Did you know that there is something everyone on this planet does at exactly the same time? What could it be? Complete this flow chart code to find out!
Flow Chart Secret Code 12
Do you love flowers that blossom in spring? This flow chart code contains a riddle about flowers that bloom in May!
Crazy Number and Algebra Fun
Goldentail explores math problems that use letters instead of numbers!
Curso Preparativo Para Sabuesos de Detective Duck
¿Quieres ser un buen sabueso? Pues Detective Duck te enseñara lo tienes que hacer.
Detective Duck's Gumshoe Preparatory Course
Do you want to become an ace sleuth? Detective Duck can show you how!
Math Club Challenges
Are you up for a real math challenge? Goldentail has designed four terrific math puzzles just for you!
Retos de Mike's Math Club
¿Estás listo para nuestro reto matemático? ¡Goldentail ha creado cuatro actividades matemáticos que son unos verdaderos rompecabezas!